Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy

This article is based on the best-selling book, Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy. We have condensed the most important aspects of baccarat shoe patterns and betting options, so you’ll understand how everything works.

baccarat golden strategy

Live Baccarat Tips

What are the baccarat betting strategies?

Understanding the distinction between standard baccarat betting systems and advanced baccarat strategies like the Golden Secret is critical. The majority of baccarat players employ some form of betting strategy. Even ones they invented themselves. Baccarat betting systems are similar to roulette betting systems in that they are played on outside chances, even money games. As baccarat players, you must make a decision.

  • Choosing whether to bet on the Banker or the Player (your bet selections);
  • And when to use playing chips, because you may not bet on every game.
  • The value of your chips or stake. You may want to bet more or less on certain baccarat games.

You give a unit your monetary value. For example, $10 equals one unit. So, your total bet size will be determined by how many units you stake. Most well-known betting systems concentrate on the number of units a player should stake on a specific casino game, such as baccarat.

There’s the baccarat Martingale betting system, for example. The Martingale strategy does not recommend betting on the Banker or the Player, and you make the call. Many casino gamblers employ the Martingale betting system to bet against a long streak. When you use the Martingale betting system and lose, you double your bet size in the next game. And so on until you win one unit or can no longer bet. Numerous betting systems can be used in baccarat, such as Fibonacci, Labouchere, and the Paroli.

These baccarat betting systems, like the Martingale, emphasize how much to bet, with little or no information on bet selections. A baccarat betting system becomes a proper strategy when it attempts to determine whether to bet on the Banker or the Player. This is accomplished by making decisions based on the outcomes of games that form patterns within a baccarat shoe. Since the game’s inception, the desire to win at baccarat has been the goal of casino goers. However, there aren’t many good baccarat strategies with logical rules. Baccarat strategies must be extremely strong because they compete with the casino’s house edge. However, it must also contend with the nature of random baccarat outcomes.

How to Play Mini Baccarat

Advantages of using the Golden Secret in random outcome baccarat games

The Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy has an advantage over other betting systems because it has bet selection rules. Using the Golden Secret bet selections narrows a baccarat bettor’s betting options into a small window of betting opportunities. The Golden Secret bet selections are based on the fact that baccarat shoes are strong in opposite outcomes. In addition to resetting to opposite results from dominant Banker or Player streaks. You gain an advantage when you set logical rules for how you bet on games as a baccarat player. As a result, you’re less likely to become frustrated and make rash bets based on emotions.

Understanding the Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy

Within a baccarat shoe, there are two types of Golden Secret bets, and these are referred to as Mode 1 and Mode 2 outcomes. When you’ve mastered the two modes, you’ll know whether to bet Banker or Player. In most baccarat shoes, patterns formed by outcomes provide Mode 1 and 2 betting opportunities.

Modes 1 and 2 of the Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy are explained

The Modes (or Golden Secret bets) are based on patterns of in-game outcomes within the form of the baccarat shoe. Modes 1 and 2 both bet against the previous outcome. So, if I had bet Banker, the previous result would have been Player. And the other way around. If I were to double down on a second attempt, I would also bet on the inverse of the previous outcome. As a result, I never bet the same as the previous outcome.

The two Golden Secret baccarat modes are based on the fact that opposite outcomes on the first line require the Banker and Player streaks to end. When looking at the Main Road Scoreboard in most baccarat shoes, more outcomes are marked on the first line.

Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy and streaks of Bankers or Players

A streak of Bankers or Players is defined as three consecutive outcomes of the same. So, for a run of Bankers or Players to be considered a streak, three or more Bankers must be in a row. Alternatively, three or more players in a row.

When to bet on Modes 1 and 2 in the Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy

The two Modes appear as betting opportunities when three or more consecutive streaks of Bankers or Players end. The two Modes are powerful indicators that streaks are coming to an end.

Mode 1:

B P B [Now, I would bet the opposite of the last outcome. Therefore, I would bet P]



A winning mode 1 will look as follows:




Above, you see P is a key winning outcome, and this is because it had been a strong indicator that another opposite was likely.

Mode 2: (the broken double)

B P B [Now, I would bet the opposite of the last outcome. Therefore, I would bet P]



A winning mode 2 will look as follows:




Modes 1 and 2 are found in the majority of baccarat shoes. Remember that a streak of three or more consecutive Bankers or Players is required before betting on the Modes.

Two Modes as Player Streaks

I used Banker as the three or more outcomes in a row forming streaks in the two Modes examples above.

I’ll use the Player with three or more consecutive outcomes in the following two examples to form streaks.

Mode 1:

P B P (I would now bet B)





Mode 2:

P B P (I would now bet B)




How powerful is the Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy?

Because the equilibrium requires an opposite outcome, the two Mode bets have a high chance of success. Or to begin an opposite streak, such as BPBP, etc. You could argue that baccarat is a random game of chance, and I wouldn’t argue with you.

However, a computer program shows that a balance of Banker and Player streaks versus zigzagged streaks is maintained throughout a large sample size of 10,000 shoes or 600,000 outcomes. One of the two Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy Modes must appear after a banker or player streak has ended.

The following are the only exceptions:

  • Where opposite streaks start at the beginning of a baccarat shoe.
  • Where the results have not formed three or more in a row of Bankers or Players, the game will play out the baccarat pattern of outcomes on the first and second lines in this case.
  • As a result, the shoe stops. The dealer stops drawing cards.

The examples I’ve provided have the highest likelihood of opposite outcomes occurring within a baccarat shoe based on the Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy.

As a result, placing large opposite bets during a run of Bankers or Players would be too risky. Because how can you be sure that the opposite will happen if you bet in the middle of a streak?

As a result, the most useful occasions for betting the opposite are in Modes 1 and 2.

  • Baccarat betting options and bankroll management:
  • Flat betting using the Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy

Flat betting is the most secure way to use the Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy. Flat betting gives you more control over your bankroll even when you lose. A baccarat session can be a success if you win a few units.

Flat betting means you never bet more than one unit on a single game.

Double Down following a losing Baccarat Bet

Upon losing a baccarat bet, you could double down once, alternatively, after each losing Mode. You have a choice. It’s all about getting a feel for the bet selections and using the appropriate bet size at the appropriate times.

When using the Golden Secret from Mode to Mode, there aren’t too many losses in a row. However, this is not guaranteed within a limited number of games, as game outcomes will always be random.

In addition to the house edge of 5% of the winning portion of Banker wins, the casino has another long-term advantage over players. This occurs when baccarat bettors stake excessively in games that result in losing baccarat outcomes for them.

Bet more when winning on baccarat and less when losing

Most casino gamblers do not play more than a few baccarat shoes in a single session. As a result, I believe it is prudent to increase bet sizes slightly when winning. And it decreases when you lose. You could try one or two double-down attempts, but if these fail, you must use a stop loss. If you decide to keep betting, the best way to do it is to reduce your bet size. Betting less during a losing streak is one way to protect more of your bankroll.

Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy Summary

  • The Golden Secret Strategy is a sophisticated, rule-based betting strategy. It not only deals with money management but also has well-planned bet selections.
  • The key bets (Modes 1 and 2) have been identified and will remain constant.
  • As a result, the Golden Secret Strategy’s structure is simple, logical, and practical.
  • The risk/reward ratio is balanced.

Conclusion of the Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy

The best way to learn how to use the Golden Secret is to keep track of live baccarat results and apply the results of the baccarat strategy to the results. If you think the Golden Secret works, you could try it out on a live online baccarat table.

The Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy is one of the best baccarat betting strategies in the world.  I prefer to use my Golden Secret Baccarat Strategy when betting on baccarat because the bet selections are some of the game’s most important and sophisticated outcomes.

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